Knee Pain(medial)

Medial knee pain is more common than lateral one partly due to its less stability. The lateral side of the knee is held tightly by strong ITB. The source of medial knee pain varies, from medial meniscus and ligament damage, to osteoarthritis and muscular issues.


There are three conditions quite often seen in my acupuncture clinic. They may present solely, or sometimes a combination.


The first one is vastus medialis injury. Vastus medialis is one part of quadriceps. As the name indicated, it is located in the medial portion of quadriceps. Patients usually feel painful at the inside of the knee. In some serious cases, “knee give way” were also reported. An obvious tender spot can be identified just above the inside of knee which is corresponding to an Acupuncture point named Xue Hai.


The following one is related to pain below the knee at the inside. The painful area has an interesting name “goose feet” because there are three tendons (gracilis, sartorius and semitendinous) coming together at this point resembling an appearance of goose feet. Repetitive activities seem to be the main culprit due to inflammation it causes. A very important acupuncture point Yin Ling Quan is located in this area.


One more subject is about osteoarthritis. Degenerative change is a natural process in our body. It is reported that osteoarthritis starts at age of 40s. however, osteoarthritis doesn’t mean pain. Many studies already proved that people with severe osteoarthritis doesn’t necessarily suffer pain. It is possible that they are free of pain. So we don’t have to be afraid of osteoarthritis. A thorough clinic check is essential before starting any treatment.


You are welcome to consult our Chinese medicine doctor Richard Shen for further information. He can be reached by mobile 0433921838 or